Thursday, November 7, 2013

One of the most important questions a gentleMAN will ever have to ask himself

Gentlemen: I'm here to help you answer what is, arguably, the most important question a guy will ever have to ask himself.  "What is this question of questions?" you ask. I assume out loud to your computer, you weirdo.  Is it "What do I wanna do with my life?" or "When do I ask out the girl of my dreams?" or even "How should I finally propose?"

Not like this.  Never like this.

No the question trumps all of those.  In fact, from what I can tell, it is more important than all the other important questions combined.  Gentlemen, the question that has plagued man since God has granted us freedom from our single-celled overlords (I'm not exactly sure how evolution works) is....duh-duh-duh....


Now I know many of you did a spit-take immediately after reading that.  I'm sure many of your scoff at my claims of ability to answer the most unanswerable of questions.  I'm pretty sure Plato went crazy trying to answer that exact question.  Fear not, citizen.  I have discovered that I indeed have a superpower, and that superpower is that of creating perfect workout mixes.  I can no longer use my power selfishly. To quote Uncle Ben (The comic book mentor, not the rice.), "With great playlists comes great responsibility."

Let me start by climbing up on a soapbox.  When it comes to playlists, I highly encourage everyone to use a smart device such as iPhone, Android, or iPod and use youtube playlists as your workout mix.  "Why?" you undoubtedly asked out loud to your computer(again).Simple!  A playlist, at least a workout mix, should be more than just a collection of songs.  Youtube has a much better selection of videos from songs, to quotes, to inspirtational videos, to movie clips.  iTunes has like none of this stuff.  Well except the tunes part, but still.  And without much further ado, the part you've all been waiting for.....


Let me start by saying that this mix isn't about the songs, themselves.  You see, a great workout mix is more about the layout.  When it comes down to it, you should take the layout concepts, and fill the spots in with songs that fit your musical preference.  I was very lucky in that my musical tastses have always been very eclectic.  So mix up my mixed up mix, I guess is what I'm saying.

Song 1: Not actually a song, but the first audio clip of any workout mix should be an inspirational movie quote.  My personal choice has always been "Aragorn's Speech at the Black Gate", but the Braveheart "Freedom" speech is a great choice.  Another great choice is Pacino's "Any Given Sunday" speech, if you don't mind a little vulgarity.

Songs 2: This one should be, in continuing the movie theme, some epic montage video.  I'd encourage the video/song combo, but the song is at least necessary.  When considering what to put here, the natural inclination comes from one source: The Italian Stallion himself, Rocky Balboa.  Either "Eye of the Tiger" (my choice) or the original "Rocky" theme song.  It's important to note that, regardless of whichever one you use now, the other should definitely make an appearance later, as should the Rocky IV theme "Burning Heart".

Songs 3-5: These are the ones that you have the most liberty with.  As long as these are pump up music, it really doesnt matter what genre or anything.  I encourage you to diversify as much as you can.  Some country, some rock, some hip hop.  One song I always try to include may actually come as a shock.  The old Garth Brooks song "Standing Outside the Fire" is a great workout song and video.  As is the Hadouken song "Levitate", especially when set to this epic "People are Awesome" video.  But once again, this the most personalized section of the mix.

Song 6:  This one will be a tough sell.  But you gotta trust me on this dudes.  At least 1-2 songs of your playlist mix should be from a musical.  I know that sounds crazy, but there is a method to my madness.  You see, some musicals actually have some pretty badass songs.  The easiest one to get into a workout mix is "Les Mis".  Granted half the movie is about two people trying to be in a forbidden love.  Yet, the other half is "Guys try to start/stop a revolutionary war and all get brutally murdered while going down fighting."  Also, in all honesty, guys, a real gentleman is classy enough to enjoy theatre.  Think about it: Batman owns Gotham's Stage Theatre, Iron Man has regularly been seen being brought to theatre, and the entire soundtrack to FREAKIN Star Wars was written and performed by a classical composer/conductor.  You get bonus points with your lady friend and you get to see people killing each other.  Thus, include at least "Red and Black" and/or "Song of Angry Men" from Les Mis.  "Stars" from Les Mis, some of the Newsies soundtrack, and most of the West Side Story soundtrack also work.

Just to be clear, "Wicked" is never acceptable for a workout mix....
Songs 7-X with x being how many songs it takes to finish your workout time(I usually plan for an hour with warmups/cooldowns): Repeat steps 1-6.  Even the movie clips.  Halfway through and moreso with the long workouts, you need the pep talk from the perfect coaches: Montage/Movie coaches.

Seriously though: not this /\

Next to Last song: This is the one that I refuse to grant you any leeway on.  If your playlist for your workout is to be perfect, it should ALWAYS ALWAYS ALWAYS end with this song.  "What song?" you ask my pudgy, pasty playlistless friend


Last Last Last "song" on your playlist: Although not tecnically a song, and not technically during your workout, your workout mix should end with this scene from LotR: Two Towers

because we need to remind outselves that everything: our workouts, our jobs, our relationships, everything will eventually in one way or another bring about good.  That's just how God works.

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